Subject matter experts use LitAgility's Bridge AI-assisted software and patent and non-patent databases to analyze prior art invalidity, resulting in litigation-grade charts

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Prior art searches are crucial for assessing the validity of patents. In patent litigation, these searches can be particularly challenging, as they require innovative strategies to surpass the work done by patent examiners. A comprehensive prior art search reveals potential weaknesses in a patent, and attorneys can use this information to strengthen their case.

LitAgility’s PriorArtSearch service is backed by a team of subject matter experts who are highly skilled in conducting prior art searches. Our approach combines human expertise with proprietary Deep Web, AI/machine learning tools, and our BridgeIndex and BridgeIP software for effective evidence extraction, organization and review.

Searches are typically conducted on diverse sources, such as patents, scientific articles, conference presentations, websites, YouTube videos, marketing brochures, and more.

The results from a PriorArtSearch are delivered through BridgeIP software. These results highlight key 102 anticipation and potential 103 obviousness combinations. The user-friendly side-by-side interface simplifies the evaluation of each reference and evidence related to individual claim elements. PriorArtSearch provides evidence in a rich text format, with citations hyperlinked to references in the application library, simplifying the review process.

Easy-to-use tools enhance the review and collaboration processes. You can export results to standard chart templates with just a few clicks.

Regardless of the course of action, PriorArtSearch delivered in BridgeIP reduces time-consuming administrative tasks or rework and positions clients to proceed and make informed decisions, reducing risk.

LitAgility’s PriorArtSearch involves the following:

  • Comprehensive search in various sources as mentioned above
  • Analysis of the hits obtained based on key patent claim elements
  • Patents and prior art references are processed and analyzed in LitAgility’s Bridge software.  
  • PriorArtSearch utilizes BridgeIndex assisted-AI to analyze references in multiple ways, helping to identify evidence based on specific claim elements.
  • The PriorArtSearch results highlight key 102 and potential 103 defenses that are automatically mapped to BridgeIP to simplify client review.

Our technical experts employ a systematic approach, starting narrowly and expanding broadly, which increases the likelihood of identifying key art. Regular interactions and iterations with clients help ensure that the results address gaps in arguments as much as possible.



Client deliverables:

  • A report containing the list of relevant prior art, along with source PDF documents.
  • A report detailing the search strategy, including the keywords and classification codes utilized.
  • Access to BridgeIP with references organized by patent with rich text evidence listed by claim element. The intuitive interface makes reviewing and exporting to templated evidence charts easy.


  • 1

Claim charting with a comparison of key technical features of the target patent with those in prior art

  • 2

Similar patents related to client’s patents on specific valves

  • 3

A list of similar patents relevant to the client’s claimed elements

Why PriorArtSearch

Strengthen your argument
Identify potential weaknesses in a patent - information that can be used to build a stronger case.
Cutting-edge approach
Our unique approach combines the expertise of human experts with our proprietary deep web & AI/ML tools, offering unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.
Tailored to your needs
Harness the power of AI/ML with human expertise to streamline the search process and identify and chart relevant references more efficiently.
Make informed decisions
Aligned with your requirements. A personalized approach allows us to deliver results that are not only accurate but actionable.