Improve service delivery and outcomes

Trial lawyers understand what’s essential for a trial or settlement. Their advantage, however, is often limited by time and budget constraints.

BridgeINDEXᵀᴹ and BridgeIPᵀᴹ provide easy and cost-effective ways to engage and provide helpful direction at the beginning, during discovery and throughout the case. Early involvement can make a huge difference to the client’s outcome.

Trial lawyers think about how to try the case. They will also think about the themes, and the evidence they need to tell an emotionally powerful story. BridgeINDEX and BridgeIP have an intuitive interface that allows you to evaluate documents and evidence quickly, anywhere. The built-in tools enable you to memorialize decisions or direct team members so you can pursue the case you want, not the one you are left with after discovery is closed.


Preparing for client update meetings is easier. By using BridgeIP, you can review where things stand on any aspect of the case – terms/construction, infringement/non-infringement, validity/invalidity, or damages – rather than creating PowerPoint decks that never get used after updating the client.

LitAgility’s evidence analysis and strategy tools make it easy for experienced lawyers to steer the case. This saves time and money.

Key features

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Easily access all relevant case information, including the other side’s arguments anytime, anywhere

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Review evidence with simple, one-click access to the linked source document

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AI/ML-based evidence discovery assistant help review documents and extracts evidence by claim element more thoroughly in a fraction of the time it typically takes

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Evaluate evidence, including the outsides arguments with a courtroom perspective in a unique side-by-side layout

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Use BridgeIP for internal and client update meetings to eliminate time developing PowerPoint presentation decks and more time for meaningful work on the case

Learn how BridgeIP helps teams at each stage in lifecycle of a case

The LitAgility Advantage

Reduce risk
In a fraction of the time, your team will be able to conduct a thorough analysis of infringement or invalidity – and even produce charts. This will allow you to identify the themes and key issues that matter most. Know the strengths and weaknesses of your case at any time, from anywhere. This makes it easier to provide tactical guidance to the team so you can try the case you want, not the one you are left with after discovery closes.
Improve work product and outcomes
With our software and services, including an AI-powered evidence discovery module, you can leverage team expertise in developing compelling evidence to support key themes and issues related to patent(s) in a case. Our tools make it easy to share ideas, memorialize decisions, provide client updates, and onboard experts or new team members.
Pressure test evidence
Analyze and evaluate your argument against the opposition's. Simplify your prep for mocks or evaluate different approaches to hinge issues. Using our AI-powered evidence discovery module, you can quickly assess the strength of evidence provided by opposing counsel. Easy access to the latest evidence for a case reduces surprises and allows you to adjust and streamline themes over many months.

“LitAgility makes performing a thorough initial infringement or invalidity analysis much faster; the tools make it easier to review work, provide direction and share ideas on important aspects of the case. The software has helped us put our clients in the win column – or produce better outcomes more often.”

– Trial Attorney