LitAgility Services-Prior-Art-Search

Subject-matter experts conduct searches in patent and non-patent databases​

Prior art searches are essential to invalidate (or validate) patents. Prior art searches in patent litigations are tougher and require unconventional search approaches because the searcher is trying to outperform the patent examiner. A thorough prior art search identifies potential weaknesses in a patent and that information can be used to build a stronger case.

LitAgility’s team of subject experts are highly skilled at conducting prior art searches. Our approach to prior art searches involves not only human experts but also proprietary Deep Web & AI / ML tools. Searches are typically conducted in diverse sources, such as patents, scientific articles, conference presentations, web-sites, YouTube videos, marketing brochures, and more.

The search involves multiple steps as described below:

  • Comprehensive search in multiple sources as mentioned above
  • Analysis of the hits obtained based on key patent claim elements
  • Charting of claims against key prior art references, with excerpts and drawings citations
  • Highlighting of key 102/103 references

Our technical experts follow a narrow-to-broad search approach on most projects. This approach ensures that the probability of finding key art is maximized. Frequent interactions and iterations with clients ensures that the results fill gaps in arguments as much as possible.

Search Approach Example: Narrow to Broad Search Approach


Client deliverables:

  • A PowerPoint/Excel/Word report containing the list of relevant prior art, along with source pdf documents
  • Access to an intuitive interface with rich text evidence organized by claim element within BridgeIP™. This makes reviewing, annotating, commenting, and exporting to templated charts easy.
  • Detailed search strategy report with keywords and class codes searched


  • 1

Claim charting with a comparison of key technical features of the target patent with those in prior art

  • 2

Similar patents related to client’s patents on specific valves

  • 3

A list of similar patents relevant to the client’s claimed elements

Why Prior Art Search

Strengthen your argument
Identify potential weaknesses in a patent - information that can be used to build a stronger case.
Cutting-edge approach
Our unique approach combines the expertise of human experts with our proprietary deep web & AI/ML tools, offering unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.
Tailored to your needs
Harness the power of AI/ML with human expertise to streamline the search process and identify and chart relevant references more efficiently.
Make informed decisions
Aligned with your requirements. A personalized approach allows us to deliver results that are not only accurate but actionable.